Film making is an art
and good ideas
will always survive...

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Work Experience

Over 15 years of experience in media, I have worked on various video development projects. Passionate about creating meaningful content, I am dedicated to contributing to the betterment of society.

Recently developed an educational video series “Food Cultures – Western Avadh” for IIT Delhi, IIIT Bangalore & Sangtin

Grains of Resilience Kodo

Kodo millet is a resilient and nutritious grain that has been grown by farmers in western Avadh for generations. In this video, farmers from the region share how they cultivated and consumed this grain, and describe its benefits.

Milk and Cattle

Across rural India, we hear tales of how milk and dairy products used to be consumed in huge quantities, before milk became an easily marketable commodity. In this video, villagers in western Avadh describe dairy consumption and the cattle economy of the past, and the various factors that led to these systems being transformed.


Fish were plentiful in the lakes, rivers and wetlands of western Avadh. Villagers in the video describe the importance of fish in their diets and livelihoods in the past, and the changes that have reduced their consumption of this nutritious food.

Some of my past video work

The KEYSTONE Course on HPSR (38 episodes): A Video series on Health Policy & Systems Research, produced by f-20 Communications for Public Health Foundation of India – Video Edit

Learning To See (23 min): Documentary on The KEYSTONE India initiative for Health Policy & Systems Research, produced by f-20 Communications – Production Management.

You Can Prevent Cancer Cervix (20 min): A fiction film about Cancer Cervix, produced by f-20 Communications for St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru – Production Management.

Think Humanity (3 min): A short documentary on science and humanity, produced by f-20 Communications – Production Management.

Hidden Nightmare (9 min): Documentary film on children in Kohima, Nagaland, for Children Film Society of India – Video Edit.

When People Speak (33 min): An experimental film for the project ‘Sarai Reader 09: The Exhibition’ supported by Devi Art Foundation, produced by f-20 Communications – Location Sound and Production Management.

Miracles Do Happen (15 min): A Documentary film on Community education, produced by f-20 Communications for Opportunity Education – Production Management.

Edited Video Sample

Chhutta Janwar - promo video
Hidden Nightmare
FAQ Video sample

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